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Resurrection? The word resurrection is a very important word that I feel most of us need to know more about. I feel it is very important to establish, as close as possible, what is being talked about first. I could be talking about one topic or event while another person is talking about an event or topic that is totally different (apples and oranges so to speak). How can something be debated if the debaters don't know what they're debating? I believe we must start on common ground. Just so all know, I do not fully understand everything there is to know about this topic; not even close. According to a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance the word resurrection is used 41 times in the KJV Bible; new testament only. It is translated from the Greek words G386 (39 times), G1454 (1 time in Matthew 27:23) and G 1815 (1 time in Philemon 3:11). It first appears in Matthew 22:23 and appears last in Revelation 20:6. G386: anastasis an-as'-tas-is from 450; a standing up again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual, genitive case or by implication, (its author)), or (figuratively) a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth):--raised to life again, resurrection, rise from the dead, that should rise, rising again.G1454: egersis eg'-er-sis from 1453; a resurgence (from death):--resurrectionG1815: exanastasis ex-an-as'-tas-is from 1817; a rising from death:--resurrection.KJV Dictionary Definition: resurrectionA rising again; chiefly, the revival of the dead of the human race, or their return from the grave, particularly at the general judgment. By the resurrection of Christ we have assurance of the future resurrection of men. 1Peter 1.Resurrection: a rising above mortality through the understanding of spiritual life as demonstrated by Jesus Christ; (I can't remember exactly where I found this, on the internet somewhere). Resurrection, the way I understand it at present, it involves a significant change; a rising to a different level perhaps such as a different level of thinking and believing; a movement or transition to the spiritual body and from one realm or dimension to the other (upon death of our flesh bodies); an overcoming or achieving of something; moving to a higher level of trust in God's eyes; from flesh to spirit; from a mortal soul to an immortal soul; from non-believer to believer. I believe it to mean some if not all of these things. This is not all inclusive by any means, neither is my understanding of this word. *First earth and heaven age; we start out as spiritual beings/flesh humans are not necessary as of yet. Remember, it grieved God He had to make man (the purpose of the second age). Why did He have to make it? Satan's rebellion, drawing a third with him. Rather than destroy at least a third of those He created and loved, He gives us a chance to choose Him and His ways or Satan and his ways (free will) in a second age. We can't remember much or anything at all about that first age, whether we joined Satan or not. I believe this to be the purpose of this flesh life (second age), a simple choice, yes or no. *Second earth and heaven age; flesh age, born of woman (from the womb, bag of waters, our spirits come from the spiritual realm, from above, where God is); flesh age is where salvation is offered, flesh eventually dies or is changed; continues into the millennium because Christ is still present (salvation is still available) and He rules with a rod of iron, discipline along with His elect/priests/1,000 years; change from temporary to eternal (if we make right choices); we shed these flesh bodies (it dies, back to dust), we move to spiritual realm (spiritual body and soul, we move to another place or dimension). Changes back to spirit upon Christ's return. *Third earth and heaven age; eternity, spirit only/no flesh, salvation is no longer necessary, everything and everyone that can be saved, has been saved. Here are just a few of the verses I feel are pertinent to this topic: Luke 16:19-31; John 11:25; Acts 2:31; Romans 6:5; 1 Corinthians 15:12-15; Revelation 6:9-11, 7:9-11 and 20:5-6.