Price $ 0
Region Clay
Active since 27 of march
This is a Public open letter. We are in the process of procuring a vendor or caterer for our school lunchprogram. No gelatin, pork, or alcohol flavoring/additives in the meals served by vendor. Interested parties, Please submit applications to the email/address provided below.Annette Khan- Front Office Administrator/ Nutrition Coordinator Notice Request for ProposalsThe IEIT-Darul Arqam North Campus will be accepting competitive sealed proposals at 11815 Adel Road,Houston, Texas 77067 until 4:00 PM on 07/30/2023 Ph# 281-583-1984. Proposals will not be accepted after the date and timespecified and shall be returned to the company unopened. Provisions are outlined below and may bediscussed by calling Annette Khan at show contact info . 1. Vending of Meals: a. Proposal will be for theSchool Breakfast Program and National School Lunch Program (hereinafter called SBP and NSLP) at thePrivate non-profit School (hereinafter called the School Food Authority, SFA). b. Proposal will be good for the termof one school year. c. Invoices must be provided (monthly, weekly, daily). d. Billing statement should beprovided to school administration 10 days following the close of the month and should be mailed to 11815Adel road, Houston, TX 77067. e. A contact person must be accessible within 30 minutes from drop time ifany problems arise, i.e. meals not meeting requirements, food not prepared to specifications; so that theproblem may be corrected before serving time. f. Payment will be granted to vendor by the 20th day of themonth following service. Procurement of a lunch vendor . Preparation and Production ofMeals: a. Vendor will be responsible for following United States Department of Agriculture policy andpatterns for the SBP and NSLP, including meeting the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. b. Menus will bedeveloped by vendor at the direction and with approval of the SFA. c. Menus must meet guidelines fornutrient standards according to USDA policy. d. Menus must meet requirements for reimbursable mealsunder the NSLP and SBP. e. The vendor will not be paid for meals not meeting requirements due to thefact that the SFA may not claim reimbursement for those meals. f. Vendor will provide production recordsfor meals served and send a copy to the school at least one week in advance so that the SFA can ascertaincompliance and to confirm amounts of food received. g. Portion sizes must be correct according to theUSDA Food Based meal pattern, amounts of food sent, and must be correctly recorded on the productionrecords. h. The vendor must contact the SFA prior to any menu changes, so that they may be approved bythe SFA and changes can be made on the production records. i. Vendor must provide documentation onall processed products with either a Child Nutrition label or product analysis signed by an official of thepacker. j. Meals must be prepared according to city and state sanitation codes and servers, if provided,must be certified food handlers. k. Vendor must provide a HACCP Food Safety Plan in compliance withUSDA regulations l. Proposal will not be considered if kitchen of vendor does not maintain sanitaryconditions as approved by SFA. m.SFA must be allowed to inspect kitchen of vendor at any time. 3.Delivery and Service of Meals a. Meals must be delivered according to city and state sanitation codes. b.Delivery time and place will be agreed upon with the SFA and adhered to by vendor unless authorized todeviate by the SFA. c. All delivery tickets must be signed by an employee designated by the SFA. d. Ifvendor serves meals, server must meet all sanitation requirements. e. If vendor delivers and serves,vendor will also be responsible for cleaning serving area. f. All delivery and serving equipment shall besanitized and free from food residue from prior use. g. Handling of leftovers will be determined by theSFA. 4. USDA Commodities a. Vendor will assist in ordering commodities. b. Vendor will storecommodities and will keep inventory current at all times. c. Food production records will document use ofcommodities. d. SFA will pay any cost to the warehouse for storage and/or delivery. PROPOSAL PricePer Breakfast Vending Only Vending and Serving Delivered with Lunch Delivered daily in AM AdditionalCharges not to exceed $2.00 per meal/per student Monday through Friday By 6am Procurement of a lunchvendor, Price Per Lunch Vending Only Vending and Serving Additional Charges $ 3.75 per meal/perstudent. Milk not to exceed 55 cents per carton . Additional comments or proposed terms: Would prefer Halal/Zabiha options. Vegetarian and shelf stable foods/menu is also acceptable.