PLEASE READ ENTIRE AD!! We do NOT provide loans. We cannot purchase promissory notes that are backed by personal guarantees or by individual autos or buses.No profressiona inquiries, unles you have a referral to discuss.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Are you collecting payments on a promissory note or a private income stream?Do you know that you can sell your future payments for badly needed cash?!Central Coast Capital Group can purchase your income streams at a discount.Regarding nores, these must be "Owner-Seller Financed" notes. First positioned notes only.We can purchase these income streams.........................* Annuities* Business Notes* Mineral Royalty Payments* Real Estate Notes* Structured SettlementsSORRY, we cannot purchase Social Security or Disability payments.Call Jonathan Mueller for a no pressure consultation at 831-252-0905 or email him at the above link.Central Coast Capital Group