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Region Levy
Active since 22 of march
Dump Extra Earth 81 Earth Recycling: 6444 HWY 81♻️ Recycle the Earth: Dirt Recycling ♻️ Fill Dirt ♻️ Red Clay ♻️ Topsoil ♻️ Concrete, ♻️ Asphalt ♻️ Earth ♻️81 EARTH RECYCLING mission: save csutomers more so they can afford more. Since 1992, We have worked hard to make our site the Easist place to on Earth to Dump and ♻️ Dirt, Concrete ♻️, Asphalt ♻️ EarthLandscape items recycling / accepted: dirt, mud, topsoil, fill, loam, sandy, sugar, clay, sand, moreHardscape items recycling / accepted: concrete, asphalt, gravel, crusher run, 57, 34, rip rap, flagstone, fieldstone, brick, stone, rock, boulder, moreTreescape: limbs, small logs, brush moreAs low as $20 to Recycle6444 Highway 81, Loganville, GA 770-466-367six♻️ Recycling the earth since 90's ♻️