Brooklyn Oriental Rug Cleaning

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Address:507 59th StBrooklyn, NY 11220Phone:718-831-2792Business email:[email protected]: rugs, when they’re first purchased, are visually attractive, odor-free, and soft. But over time, these appealing qualities will diminish, to the point where one day you’ll realize that you need oriental rug cleaning. You may be tempted to pursue a DIY rug cleaning, but this is discouraged as most times the rug owner just ends up damaging their rug. No, when you need oriental rug cleaning, it’s best to get in touch with our team, as we’ve been cleaning oriental rugs for years.Keyword:Oriental rug cleaning, oriental rug restoration, antique rug cleaning, rug repairHours:Monday-Friday8:00AM-7:00PM Saturday Close Sunday: 9:00AM-5:00PMPayment:PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, Amex, cheque, cashSocial Links:

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