What is a Bestseller?

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Romans, Krimis & Thriller, Erotik, Fantasy & Science Fiction, Jugendbucher and Comics & Mangas are the most popular genres for bestselling books. In addition, there are books on subjects such as Biographies & Memories, Borse & Geld, Business & Karriere, Computer, Film, Freizeit, Haus & Garten, Geschenkbucher, Kunst & Kultur, Kochbucher, Naturwissenschaften & Technik, Politik & Geschichte, Ratgeber, Religion & Spiritualitat and Sport.The bestselling books in each of these categories are selected by the publisher, and then reviewed and ranked by the reader community. The reader community is made up of millions of people, from all walks of life, who read a wide variety of novels and short stories. The bestselling books are those that have been most enjoyed by the readers in each of these genres.